
Denza Privacy and Data Protection Policies

Quick Links

  • If you are a candidate who is already registered with Denza, you can just click on this give permission email link, read the text included in the mail that pops up and hit send.
  • If you are not yet registered with Denza, you can do so via our registration page.

Denza Limited is a company incorporated in England
Company No: 04909398 VAT Registration: GB 877 3008 08

What is personal information?

The information submitted to us – including CVs, work examples, salary information, education history, references, contact details as well as notes from telephone calls, notes from meetings and information we may gather found in internet searches are personal data under the Data Protection Act 1998. We are obliged and are happy to follow the principles set out in the Act when we process any personal data.

We now need your explicit permission to collect, store and process your personal information. We can no longer rely on implied permission (just sending us an application for registration or an update.)

How do I give my permission?

As of April 2018, all registration and update forms have been changed so that you can give your permission. By signing one of these and returning, you have given your permission. Thank you!

I would like to email you with my permission

Fantastic. If you give your permission to collect, store and process your personal information as outlined in the Denza Privacy and Data Protection Policies;

  • If you are a candidate who is already registered with Denza, you can just click on this give permission email link, read the text included in the mail that pops up and hit send.
  • If you are not yet registered with Denza, you can do so via our registration page.

What personal information do you collect and store?

At Denza we have a bespoke database created specifically for us. Every candidate has their own personal record where we bring together their CV and work examples; the database also tracks all our email conversations, matches to opportunities, additional notes from meetings and telephone conversations. We use this information to review a candidate’s suitability for opportunities that come into our office before approaching a candidate. We also use a candidate’s CV and work examples for presenting candidates to a client. Please note we never share a candidate’s information, profile or work with a client without a candidate’s express permission first.

What we don’t collect:

  • Information about you from your engagement with our website or pages you have visited
  • Anything you have shared with us but specifically tell us you do not want it recorded

How do you collect my personal information?

  • You personally submit your CV, work examples and email contents
  • Notes we make from meeting you in person or video calls
  • Notes we make from telephone calls, text messages or instant messaging we have with you
  • Feedback from clients who have had contact with you by reading your CV, interview or other means
  • Your LinkedIn profile
  • Information that has been published in the public domain (news articles, the internet, fashion shows, university year books etc

Who has access to your personal information?

Denza Limited is a Data Controller for the purposes of the Act and the Information Commissioner is aware of our data processing in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Our registration number in the Data Protection Public Register is Z1797479

  • All the information we keep about our candidates is double password protected.
  • Every computer in the office is password protected and each person on the team with access to the database has their own personal account and password to log into our database.
  • We are able to track who accessed your information and when.
  • All our candidate files are kept on a server in our office, which is again password protected.
  • We run regular backups of the information which is cloud based. The servers for this are within the United Kingdom so that we ensure that the company we use is complying with the European Data Protection laws.
  • The only people who have direct access to a candidate’s complete files are the members of the Denza team who have contracts binding them to the strictest terms regarding confidentiality and the handling of personal information.

What information do you share outside of your organisation?

We never share your personal identifiable information with anyone outside of our organisation without your express permission unless it is required by law. The information we share is limited to the information relevant to your application for an open role.

When you wish to have your profile shared with one of our clients for consideration for an open opportunity, our team will:

  • check that we have your explicit agreement to record your personal information within our organisation abiding by this data protection policy. Without your permission, you will be excluded from any search.
  • ask if you wish to be considered for the open opportunity. You will be told the client name, an overview of the role itself, the location of the role (whether it is within the EU or outside), what information of yours we will share and how we intend to share it.
  • give you the opportunity to review the presentation of your personal information before we send it to a client.
  • get your permission to share telephone contact or email address in the case a client may wish to contact you directly – for example to make you an offer.

We never share the following information with anyone (in alphabetical order):

  • age
  • being or becoming a transsexual person
  • being married or in a civil partnership
  • being pregnant or on maternity leave
  • disability
  • race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
  • religion, belief or lack of religion/belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of these protected characteristics. Therefore we never share any of this information with anyone – in particular when we send your CV to a client for an open search. We also never share photographs or physical descriptions of our candidates in CV presentations as this is unnecessary in your suitability for an open role.

Personally accessing your records

If a candidate wishes to see a copy of the information we hold on file for them, we are happy to share this upon request. Please contact the Managing Director Emma Davidson via or in writing to the Denza registered offices at Palladium House, 1-4 Argyll St, Soho, London W1F 7LD United Kingdom. We will not accept requests over the telephone. We will require identity confirmation before sharing details. There is a fee to process each individual request. Any other concerns regarding handling of data can be directed to the same email address.

Your rights to control your personal information

If a candidate decides they no longer wish to have their information stored by Denza, any member of the team can follow up with this.

  • We will keep your name and email address on file and change your status to “Do Not Contact” on our database. This way we can have a record of your request so as not to mistakenly contact you again.
  • We will delete all other personal information.

I would like to remove my personal information and cancel my registration

  • If you want to have your information removed from our database, click on this remove me link, read the text in the mail that pops up and hit send.

Last updated November 2020.