Thank you for choosing us.
Email us at
– CVs should be Word .doc or .docx or text based .pdf files
– Portfolio examples should be a single .pdf file of 10 pages maximum less than 10MB
We do not accept registrations with: PowerPoint presentations, Dropbox, Google drive or file share invitations, single attachments larger than 10MB, CD’s, DVD’s or original work through the mail.
– Failure to provide your CV or portfolio examples in the correct format may mean you are excluded from registering.
We receive a large amount of applications daily and regret that we are only able to take a select number of candidates who are most likely to meet with our client’s requirements. If you are successful, you will receive an email follow up from Team Denza.
Hot tip
Save files with your name. e.g. “Abena Wilson Portfolio.pdf” not “cv_2021_v2.pdf”
How to get your portfolio file less than 10MB
- Files should be A4
- 150 DPI maximum
- Flatten all layers on all pages in your document and ensure all rulers are removed before exporting to PDF
- Use a PDF editor to compress the file